Using a discount agent certainly sounds like a way to save money. As a Seller, you’re probably thinking, if they can do the same kind of work and charge less it would be great wouldn’t it? And yet it is why that it could work against you. This agent is going to be the person that you’re trusting, that you’re hiring, to have every conversation with prospective buyers and all the conversations with agents that represent buyers for your home, and obviously, you won’t be present for their conversations. So if this discount broker is willing to give away their own money just to get your listing, what do you think they’re going to do with your money to try and get a sale.
The whole method of doing business for a discounting agent is designed around giving discounts. That’s how they get business. That’s how they’re going to try to attract yours. The problem for you hiring a discount broker is that is exactly how they sell homes to. If they knew we only knew how to get top dollar or do you think they would start by doing it for themselves? I may be tough on my commission but I’ll tell you the good news for you is, that I’m on your side, I’m tough and protecting your price too.